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Witnessing Wisdom


The old man sitting with a crystal in his ear, long grey hair curling around his worn face. He knows something I don’t, and as I sit by his side with the cool September sun on my skin, I caught a glimpse of the eternal stillness, the infinite rushing winds and the ever-spinning worlds. To sit and be still, in the face of it all, like an unassuming creature that basks in the light of a new day.

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(09.09.2024 12:51 x, The Ninth Sphere)

The prophecy has begun to unravel


One ephemeral step towards the obscure side of the dark moon. Shadows creep into the realms unknown to those that have not yet peered into the abyss of unfathomable creations.

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(09.09.2024 11:44 Paris, France)

Low-res, high quality


Low-quality content seems to be becoming increasingly popular in contemporary media. I’m talking about unpolished photos and videos and memes that intentionally make no sense. This is by no means a new idea and I’m not saying anything revolutionary. Picasso strove to learn to unlearn complex techniques and remove restrictions from his practice leading to some of his best work. A lot of our generation is trying to di...

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(28.08.2024 23:32 Newport Beach, USA)

Reflection on Inspiration


Recently I feel like I’ve been able to see art and design in a more objective sense. By that, I mean that I don't feel like I ever need to 'wait' for inspiration to strike, and instead, I'm always ready to brainstorm and work through ideas and problems. Somewhat forcing inspiration is an essential part of a sustainable, repeatable creative process. I love the idea of basing a project around a found object. Michele and ...

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(28.08.2024 23:29 New York City, USA)